Immune Support

Immune Support

Our natural defence against bacteria, viruses, and parasites is our immune system. A well-functioning immune system is critical for well-being. There are many supplements that aid immunity support including;
  • L-Lysine is an essential amino acid which supports the body’s natural ability to heal from injuries.
  • Probiotics promote and support healthy immune system function
  • Zinc helps to support skin healing and a healthy immune system
  • Vitamin C supports a healthy immune system particularly used to support avoidance of colds
  • Multi-vitamins bridge the nutrient gap in our daily diets
  • Cranberry is popular for supporting healthy bladder and urinary tract function
  • Echinacea provides support for a healthy immune system and assists with colds
  • Black Elderberry helps with the avoidance of seasonal illnesses like cold and flu
  • Cordyceps exhibits antioxidant properties to support immune function
  • Ginger is a powerful antioxidant to support the immune system


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