Bone and Joint Health

Bone and Joint Health

The best way to care for your joints is to keep them and your muscles, ligaments, and bones strong and stable. Because of age, weight or injury many of us have issues with our bones, joints, the cartilage in joints or the muscles around them. Supplements that can help with bone and joint health include;

  • Turmeric / Curcumin in addition to many other benefits helps to maintain healthy joints
  • Fish Oil / omega3 mainly known for brain function support can also support  healthy joints
  • Glucosamine supports the formation of cartilage and joint function
  • MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) helps the support of connective tissue as well as joint mobility)
  • Vitamin D3 supports healthy bones
  • Collagen is a complex protein that maintains the flexibility and strength of skin, ligaments, bones, eyes, nails and hair

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